Friday, March 28, 2008 San Angelo

Sam, I know you think that my newspaper is like the newspaper on Smallville so i took the liberty to show you some pictures.

To Everyone Else, I thought I would embarrass Sam. HEHEEHEHHEHE
Here is the Standard-Times Story.....

Upstairs is the low-man on the totem pole's World. I started there and was nothing then I got promoted to downstairs....

Then, the Stairwell door.....

And of course, My big partner got the smaller one.

And then the rest of the basement looks like this:

So, see Sam...Like Smallville but Real. HEHHEHEHEHE Thanks for the laugh!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter in Hamlin

We spent Easter with Randell's Family this weekend. Nothing too exciting but good food was served. Their new house is coming together very well. Rusty also got to go this time. He chased squirrels all weekend long and was pooped Monday morning.

And of course, Greenlee got to go. She learned how to kiss this weekend....she does it more int he air but in all it is a kiss. I can't wait for everyone to hear it.

Hope everyone had a Happy Easter!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Today's Thoughts

Don't you think the best place to think is on the toilet? When I'm at work I can think of about 10 things I want to tell someone or 10 things I need to do and when I'm done in the bathroom, I have forgot all 10 things. It is crazy!

Another thing that was brought to my attention, was keeping secrets. My niece, Hailey, told me that keeping secrets wasn't hard to do. You just can't tell people. Her 6 year old brain understands how simple not saying anything is but my 26 year brain does not agree. Keeping secrets is hard.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Professionals

I took Greenlee to a photographer because they needed a model her age. Of course, she wouldn't smile but the photos came out so well! Take a look.