Friday, March 28, 2008 San Angelo

Sam, I know you think that my newspaper is like the newspaper on Smallville so i took the liberty to show you some pictures.

To Everyone Else, I thought I would embarrass Sam. HEHEEHEHHEHE
Here is the Standard-Times Story.....

Upstairs is the low-man on the totem pole's World. I started there and was nothing then I got promoted to downstairs....

Then, the Stairwell door.....

And of course, My big partner got the smaller one.

And then the rest of the basement looks like this:

So, see Sam...Like Smallville but Real. HEHHEHEHEHE Thanks for the laugh!


samiam said...

OMG you do work in the basement just like on Smallville! I am SO glad to hear that my image of you and your workplace has not been destroyed! This is awesome, I know my very own Chloe! Now do you know the real identity of SUPERMAN????

Tiffany said...

It's facinating that your office looks so similar to the set of Smallville! I wonder why newspaper buildings have basement offices? Maybe Smallville is modeled after San Angelo? It is a small town, after all!